Europrivacy ™® is the first certification scheme fully responding to the requirements of article 42 of the GDPR and endorsed by representatives of all the EU national data protection authorities.
As the centre of the data protection landscape in the EU, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) ensures that General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is applied consistently across the EU and works to ensure effective cooperation. It has been the EU body in charge since GDPR was launched 25 May 2018.
Its endorsement of the Europrivacy™® scheme means an important step ahead for a more uniform application of EU rules on data processing. Certification builds trust and confidence to the market, with a third party impartial evaluation, contributes to avoid duplication of efforts and reduce the likelihood of issues potentially being dealt with differently across various jurisdictions.
“Sincere congratulations and best wishes to ECCP and Europrivacy on the EDPB endorsement. We in DNV are extremely proud to be an approved certification body and partner for the first comprehensive scheme helping companies address GDPR requirements on data processing. We particularly appreciate the ecosystem approach ECCP are building with all partners, and we believe it will be paramount for the scheme success,” says Stefano Crea, Global Market & Industries Director in Business Assurance.
The Europrivacy certification scheme on data processing is a GDPR-by-design certification. It is developed through the European research programme financed by the European Commission, designed to address the specific obligations of the GDPR and to serve as official certification scheme under article 42 of the GDPR.
Certification to the scheme helps companies demonstrate compliance to GDPR requirements on data processing and a commitment to protect personal data, making them a trustable service provider for their customers. They will also be able to identify and reduce legal and financial risks while they develop competitive advantages to stand out amongst competitors.