FSSC 22000:2015 - Become an Auditor/Lead Auditor Third Part IRCA

Provides the knowledge and skills required to perform audits of FSM Systems against ISO 22000, in accordance with ISO 19011


 The course is highly interactive in nature with emphasis on active involvement of participants in group-work, brainstorming sessions, quizzes, reflection exercises and participants teaching each other, which will help participants in assimilating and consolidating their understanding of auditing the FSMS based on ISO 22000 standards effectively. (IRCA Accredited)

Food Safety Course Offerings

Competence is one of the first steps toward a systematic approach to manage the safety and sustainability aspects of your food and beverage production.

Person concerned:

 This course is intended for experienced food safety professionals seeking an understanding of the management systems approach to food safety and the skills required to audit effectively against food safety management standards.


Find session of our trainings
Dates Place


August 8th to 12th 

