APQP4Wind Specialist Refresher Training

The main purpose of the training is to update and refresh knowledge of the APQP4Wind framework, the rationales behind the changes and to stimulate and mobilize the participants further for implementation. It is further to present and discuss experience achieved in implementation and use of APQP4Wind DOs and DONTs as well as specific cases. It is finally to present the status and directions of the APQP4wind development.

Target group 

The training is targeting specialists and managers involved in the APQP4Wind process, within sales, quality management, coordination, product- and system development etc. at Windpower Suppliers, sub-Suppliers, Manufacturers and Customers. It is a prerequisite for attending the Specialist Refresher Training that you have already attended an APQP4Wind Specialists Training course previously and holds certification for the same.  


  • Updates of manual, workbook and analysis tool and presenation og main changes 
  • Presentation of main changes to the core tools (ex D- and PFMEA)  
  • DOs and DONTs in implementation of APQP4Wind 
  • Discussion of specific cases (group work)  
  • Presentation of APQP4Wind organization and options to join as member 
  • Changes in OEM subscribing to APQP4Wind 
  • Examples and discussions related to the interpretations, application, management and implementation of the topics. 

Course details 

  • The training is interactive with combinations of lectures, group work and discussions of central topics 
  • The training is finalized with 25 minutes multiple-choice test  
  • The training is held online 
  • Training Certificate is issued to all participants passing the test. Training certificate is valid for 4 years 
  • It is a prerequisite for attending the Refresher training that the participant attended an APQP4Wind Specialist Training previously provided by one of the approved training providers and that the participant can document this with a certificate 
  • The training is tutored by experienced trainers with vast experience within the wind industry 
  • Course duration is 1 day  
  • An APQP4Wind manual is included in the training fee 
  • Special arrangements are available for delivery at your organization’s premises.

Management Systems Training

APQP4Wind Training

APQP4Wind is the common frame of reference to be used in the industry to strengthen the cooperation between manufacturers and suppliers

Environment and energy training

Public concern on environment and energy issues, stricter environmental legislation and increased media attention put more demands on businesses today

Food safety training

The food and beverage industry is moving to satisfy demands from international consumers and to open new market opportunities

Health and safety training

Your company is expected to care for its employees by managing safety and health in a professional way

Healthcare training

Every patient and service user across the globe should get the best care possible

Medical devices training

Production of medical devices is a strictly regulated business. In almost all countries, and for most medical products, there are requirements and standards to which manufacturers need to show compliance

Quality & performance training

An effective quality management system in place can improve your company’s quality processes and overall performance and success

Social responsibility training

Ensuring your commitment to safeguard human rights and operate in an ethical, responsible manner is essential to instill ethical practices and promote a culture of corporate sustainability